... the large white boar poplarburn royal turk from oathall community college. pictures to follow later. results beef cattle interbreed mortimers farm's charolais cow mortimers racey; res, aj brown's aberdeen angus heifer hawstead lodge ... res, messrs jones and garratt's cow egerton pandora. british limousin thorndean farms' heifer thorndean at last; res, buriton estate's heifer miscombe victoria. british white new biddenden green farm's bull smarden isokrates; res, ...
I was taking a mental vacation from work, if only for a few hours, so it was purely a coincidence that I was down exploring Shollenberger Park just hours before the Sonoma County supervisors were weighing the controversial issue of ...
I can't believe that our vacation is finally here. Of course, I am also absolutely relieved that it is because I am sick of sewing. Not that I am completely done, mind you, but the massive hours of sewing are over. ...